Today is my last day of water aerobics for the season. Boo hoo.
Karl took us on a visit to the ranch he manages. They call it a ranch, but it doesn’t have animals. It is more like a Mexican conference center. There are individual palapas for sleeping and buildings for meeting and eating. There is also a pool, mini-golf, volleyball courts, tennis courts, and basketball court. There is also a spectacular cenote for swimming. Here is a link for you to see it for yourself. Thank you for the adventure, Karl.
Our town of Paamul is very charitable, supporting a variety of endeavors. This evening there was an auction to support the school at Chumpon. A percentage of the restaurant proceeds were donated by its’ owner, Kalu. Several thousand dollars were raised for the school library (which was financed by Paamul residents). If you would like to donate, I’d love to take any Spanish language children’s books to Mexico. Just send them to me or bring them over.