
Join me on a trip to the South - the far south.

My husband and I will be driving from Illinois to the Riviera Maya in Mexico.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24th

Oh my gosh, once again I am waiting for the phone guy to come here. I didn’t go to water aerobics because I didn’t know when he would be here. It’s so irritating.

Finally…he’s here. Oh no. It’s not the phone guy. It’s the internet guy. And I already have internet. But I’ll let him set up my wireless router and internet antenna. Whoo. My signal went from low and very low to excellent. But still the phone guy has to come and set up the vonage phone. But wait…with the router set up it has a different vonage error code. So I go on the internet and register this new vonage device and…A huge Woo Hoo. We have a phone. Now all I have to do is tell Vonage which device I’m using - the one in Wheaton or the one in Mexico. Now we feel so much more connected! I rewarded myself with a Snickers mini.

We offered to drive Jorge, the 20 year old man boy who is staining our beams, back to his home in PA. He took us to the hardware store and the Laundromat in the town (not the resort part) of Puerto Aventuras. Going to the local one was much cheaper. It was 300 pesos for one comforter in Playa del Carmen. However, it was 300 pesos for all 3 of my comforters at Puerto. Puerto is only 4 miles away, while Playa is about 15 miles. I tried to talk Pete into eating at a local restaurant, but he’s still nervous about the food. So it was back home for a spaghetti dinner. Can you believe they have the same brand of spaghetti sauce I use at home?


1 comment:

  1. Tell Pete I said to quit being an old poop and get out to a restaurant. If you can find a place that serves Snapper Veracruz, tell him to try that. It's AWESOME, and not overly spicy.

    *Smooches* to you both!
